WPDC seeks to support regional Papuan communities. We believe in working with communities and partners on the ground, meeting needs identified by Papuans. The first need identified by local communities in Jayapura was simple - clean water and better sanitation. This infrastructure access should be universal, but unfortunately it isn't. WPDC will work with local partners to overcome the obstacle of implementing clean water and sanitation upgrades in distant regional areas. WPDC has great respect for Papuan communities and ensures at every level that its teams work closely with community members and villages. But we can't do it alone. |
Donations help fund our cause and see more clean water systems being built in regional communities.
Please consider making a donation. |
Donations are processed by PayPal. Please note, you do not require a PayPal account to provide donations. If you do not have a PayPal account, simply select the option to provide your credit or debit card details to process your donation. |
To establish a monthly donation select from the options below. You can also make a one-off donation through selecting the option below, or make a tax deductible donation through our partner organisation World Relief Australia! |
If you would like to learn more about WPDC or other ways you can contribute please contact us.
We welcome all efforts for positive change!